Saturday, September 1, 2012

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Fireballs the gigantic red light rain slowly fall.
Electro-optical flint the moment, everyone on the battlefield saw this scene, the response was very different.
The Ca Mau Fleet immediately boosted morale, subordinates all warships, in addition to sinking or has been captured, both fight to make every effort to move closer toward the flagship The frigates are like a root invisible rope Drawn noticed nothing slavishly followed the enemy ship travels.
This moment, is still stuck in the distant spectators Library State Fleet flagship to trace dangerous atmosphere.
However, all Enron as before, in addition to the increasingly tight formation of Ca Mau Fleet no exception. Said Mr Ca Mau fleet is an unsuspecting snake, then it was after the attack has been suddenly thrust awakening rapidly round and round disk since constitute the snake array of one, both concurrently solid five times the force encircled, as well as hundreds of frigates layers penetrate gathered a faster suicidal just can not turn the tide of the battle.
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Suddenly, he was stunned lost smiles: twelve battle can decide the matter win or lose! seen come first sense.
crashing exploding, attracting the attention of everyone, and everyone given the fine Guanqiao original Tiger commander Pan Dela.
Happening see him, could not help but smiled and the the hearts Ancun said: bit brave and invincible Reggie, Kim Happening extreme preference, on the occasion of unidentified enemy's case, will he easily let him run for?
Trying to find a suitable reason to delay the time of the occasion, the crowd suddenly thrust sounded other squirt like voice, and cried: Napo Niang, please lord grant that! , almost on the spot to attack, thanks the behind Feibao commander Balu Ka tugged skirts before high pressure hot temper.
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