Tuesday, September 18, 2012

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hich Chinese word camp really want Zhaqi the fight Well, Mo have to stop you winded,nike jerseys! Own merits and questioned by others, Yang Dingxun foul language I was able to storm out.
Wu Yulan with the PLA fought, he would naturally know how the People's Liberation Army combat effectiveness, the Yang Dingxun dancing feet yell, Wu Yulan sit and wait, slowly said: rebels really have tens of thousands,oakley d1 watch, the pressure you crushed. shoot prisoners million Maozei? ... even foreigners take their Mozhe rebels, you're just thousands a day can eliminate a million more? Are those rebels idiot, a volleyball team is waiting for you to kill? Rebels is not idiot, the Yang Dingxun do not know, can he knew, their own in Guanting forces really played a major victory.
Yang Dingxun only thirty newly hatched first, before joining the Huai, he was in the the aggressive Ting military (Ministry of Hunan Bao Chao) when courage and brave soldier, rose to the guerrilla nature is Thunder and temper to listen to Wu Yulan mean a dig not scruple to His Excellency sitting on top, Yang Dingxun now sure you want to throwing punches toward the Wu Yulan face command will be passed.
See Li Yang Dingxun gas trembling, evidently, his troops could really hit a victory, the size of the victory, which is not too important, it is important that after a series of failure, his forces finally achieved a victory!
Li waved let the Yang Dingxun calm down, and kindly inquired: Li asked to be a good answer or to Yang Dingxun bow Bao Quan said: King to fly more than the

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